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How to deal with hunger cravings

Healthy Ways to Stop Cravings for Unhealthy Foods and Sugar

Food cravings are the dieter’s worst enemy.

These are intense or uncontrollable desires for specific foods, stronger than normal hunger.

The cravings vary and everybody is different but most of the time people go to highly proceed junk food which are high in sugar.The types of foods that people crave are highly variable, but these are often processed junk foods that are high in sugar and fat.

Cravings are one of the biggest reasons why people have problems loosing weight and keeping it off.

Here are simple ways to prevent or stop unhealthy food and sugar cravings.

Drink Water. Thirst is often confused with hunger or food cravings.

If you feel a sudden urge for a specific food, try drinking a large glass of water and wait a few minutes. You may find that the craving fades away, because your body was actually just thirsty.

Also, drinking plenty of water may have many health benefits. In middle-aged and older people, drinking water before meals can reduce appetite and helps to loose weight. If you want to make sure your hunger cravings are not starting add Glucomannan to your drink. It makes you feel full and you loose your hunger cravings. I will explain more about Glucomannan later. Take a look on our website:

BOTTOM LINE:Drinking water with Glucomannan before meals supports the reductions of cravings and appetite, as well as help with weight loss.

Eat more Protein. Eating more protein may reduce your appetite and keep you from overeating.

It also reduces cravings, and helps you feel full and satisfied for longer.

One study of overweight teenage girls showed that eating a high-protein breakfast reduced cravings significantly.

Another study in overweight men showed that increasing protein intake to 25% of calories reduced cravings by 60%. Additionally, the desire to snack at night was reduced by 50%

BOTTOM LINE:Increasing protein intake may reduce cravings by up to 60% and cut the desire to snack at night by 50%.

Distance yourself from the craving. When you feel a craving, try to distance yourself from it.

For example, you can take a walk outdoors or start a project in your house to shift your mind onto something else. A change in thought and environment may help stop the craving

BOTTOM LINE:Try to distance yourself from the craving by chewing gum, going on a walk or taking a shower, work in the garden, call a friend….

Plan your meals. If possible, try to plan your meals for the day or upcoming week.

By already knowing what you’re going to eat, you eliminate the factor of spontaneity and uncertainty.

If you don’t have to think about what to eat at the following meal, you will be less tempted and less likely to experience cravings.

BOTTOM LINE:Planning your meals for the day or upcoming week eliminates spontaneity and uncertainty, both of which can cause cravings.

Avoid getting extremely hungry. Hunger is one of the biggest reasons why we experience cravings.

Have healthy snack at hand and eat regularly and don’t skip a meal. If you are not hungry at that particular moment, just have a little bit.

Always be prepared, so it is easier to avoid long periods of hunger, and you may be able to prevent the craving from showing up at all.

BOTTOM LINE:Hunger is a big reason for cravings. Avoid extreme hunger by always having a healthy snack ready.

Fight Stress. Stress may induce food cravings and influence eating behaviors, especially for women.

Women under stress have been shown to eat significantly more calories and experience more cravings than non-stressed women.

Furthermore, stress raises your cortisol levels, a hormone that can make you gain weight, especially in the belly area.

Try to minimize stress in your environment by planning ahead, meditating and generally slowing down.

BOTTOM LINE:Being under stress may induce cravings, eating and weight gain, especially in women.

Take Glucomann, the super fiber. Glucomannan comes from the Konjac plant, specifically from the root of the plant.

Glucomannan, or also called Konjac root fiber, is very low in calories but high in fiber. Half a teaspoon (2 grams) has about 5 CAL and 2.5 grams of fiber. This is 10% of your daily fiber needs.

This combination of being a fiber and very low in calorie promotes a healthy waist line. It provides a feeling of fullness or satiety which stops one from overeating.

You can get Glucomannan as a powder drink before meals, as a pure powder during your meals in a shaker container or as a pasta or rice to reduce your calorie intake.

BOTTOM LINE: Glucomannan fiber reduces the absorption of calories and can reduce appetite and cravings.

Practice mindful eating. Think first before you eat. Mindful Eating is about practicing mindfulness, a type of meditation, in relation to foods and eating.

It teaches you to develop awareness of your eating habits, emotions, hunger, cravings and physical sensations.

Mindful eating teaches you to distinguish between cravings and actual physical hunger. It helps you choose your response, instead of acting thoughtlessly or impulsively.

Eating mindfully involves being present while you eat, slowing down and chewing thoroughly. It is also important to avoid distractions, like the TV or your smartphone.

One 6-week study in binge eaters found that mindful eating reduced binge eating episodes from 4 to 1.5 per week. It also reduced the severity of each binge.

BOTTOM LINE:Mindful eating is about learning to recognize the difference between cravings and actual hunger, helping you choose your response.

Get enough Sleep.Your appetite is largely affected by hormones that fluctuate throughout the day.

Sleep deprivation disrupts the fluctuations, and may lead to poor appetite regulation and strong cravings.

Studies support this, showing that sleep-deprived people are up to 55% more likely to become obese, compared to people who get enough sleep.

For this reason, getting good restful sleep may be one of the most powerful ways to prevent cravings from showing up.

BOTTOM LINE:Sleep deprivation may disrupt normal fluctuations in appetite hormones, leading to cravings and poor appetite control.

Eat proper meals. Hunger and a lack of key nutrients can both cause certain cravings. Avoid processed food and have a variety of different healthy foods, think about the colors of the rainbow and try to have every color on your plate during the day.

Therefore, it’s important to eat proper meals at mealtimes. This way, your body gets the nutrients it needs and you won’t get extremely hungry right after eating.

If you find yourself in need of a snack between meals, make sure it’s something healthy. Reach for whole foods, such as fruits, nuts, vegetables or seeds.

BOTTOM LINE:Eating proper meals helps prevent hunger and cravings, while also ensuring that your body gets the nutrients it needs.

Don’t go to food shopping hungry. Grocery stores are probably the worst places to be when you are hungry or have cravings.

First, they give you easy access to pretty much any food you could think of. Second, supermarkets usually place the unhealthiest foods at eye level.

The best way to prevent cravings from happening at the store is to shop only when you’ve recently eaten. Never — ever — go to the supermarket hungry.

BOTTOM LINE:Eating before you go to the supermarket helps reduce the risk of unwanted cravings and impulsive buying.

Being aware of your cravings and their triggers makes them much easier to avoid. It also makes it a lot easier to eat healthy and lost weight.

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